These were taken a couple of days ago.Can you see the double rainbow ?

We had a beautiful day today, other than the wind. It just wouldn't be North Dakota without wind though right ?
Alex and Nicole came home last night. They got here about 9:30 or so. We visited awhile and then we watched a Rambo movie. They brought the new one for us to watch. Casey hadn't seen the old ones,so awhile back when we saw them for $5.00 at Alco we picked up all three. He watched two in the past week. Alex said he couldn't remember the old ones, so we watched the last one of the three. We were going to watch the new one after that but it just got too late so they left it here for us to watch later and so we could bring it to Ryan and Sarah to watch when we were done.
This morning Duane and Alex and I were all up early. Alex was all ready to get things lined up to go fishing. He got all the rods out and checked out what he had left for tackle by that time Nicole was up and Alex went and woke Casey up to go. Casey asked him what time it was and Alex said it's 8:00 already and Casey says you've gotta be kidding me. Evidently he thought that was too early to get up, but he did about 15 minutes later. At the beginning of the summer he was up every morning by 7:30 but the last three weeks or so he has been sleeping in later.
They went to Rice Lake first but the fish weren't biting and they kept snagging so they decided to go to the river. They came home and packed a lunch and went out again. They never got any bites out there either but they had fun anyway.
When they got home Alex went out hunting. He hardly walked across the road and he already got a cottontail, he also got a bunch of gophers.
We had Birthday cake at lunch time to celebrate Caseys Birthday. I never thought to take pictures with my digital camera. My other camera takes so much nicer pictures so I used that. But I will post when I get them developed.
Duane and I worked around the yard most of the day. We got a new liner put in our whiskey barrel fountain (left over liner from the pond), and I trimmed some of my flowers down (aggressive ones that get too tall if there not trimmed ).
Last night one of the bulls crashed through the fence to get in by the other bull and heifers. I guess he didn't like the other bull getting to have all the fun while he was penned up all alone. So Duane fixed fence and turned one of the bulls in the pasture with the older cows, and turned the other one and the heifers out to the other pasture.
I was sitting outside when he turned the heifers out in the grass beside the yard. It was fun to watch them they were so excited flying around like little calves, following each other around and pushing each other out of the way to be the first one to check things out. It wouldn't be fun if you had to be in there by them but it was fun to watch from the other side of the fence.
The day before yesterday I came home from work and I asked Casey where Duane was. He said I think it's suppose to be a surprise. I went outside a little later and heard him in the garage so I went to check out what he was doing. Here he had built a bridge for the pond. He was already almost done with it. It turned out really nice.
Alex helped me carry it over and put it across the stream this afternoon.
Oh, Duane went and mowed this afternoon too. The church had a mowing day.
Alex and Nicole left for home around 5:00.
Casey and Duane and I watched another movie early in the evening. We watched Semi-Pro. It wasn't the best movie but I guess it was alright.
After that Casey decided to go to the wedding dance in Strasburg.
Brandon and Julie will be here late tonight. They went straight to the wedding from Bismarck and then theres the reception and the dance.
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