Here is Casey with his car before he left for Prom.

Below is Casey and his prom date Allexis taken right after the Grand March.

I took a bunch of pictures at the post prom party too, but they are on the regular camera so I will have to post them at a later time.
Kids and parents all had a good time. They played alot of games and won alot of prizes.
Casey won a college refridgerator,a gift certificate to Space Aliens, one to Sheila's Cafe, and one to McDonalds. He also won a $60.00 cash prize. But most important they all had a good time and had a safe and fun evening without drinking.
We had a lot of sponsors and they were very generous none of this party would have been possible without them and the hard work of all the parents.
The parents were all pretty tired after this of course. By the time we got everything cleaned up and put away it was after 3:00 Am. Needless to say everyone around here took a nap this afternoon.
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