Wow, it's been a long time again! We went for a nice drive today. After Church we came home and ate quick and then went to visit Mom. She seemed really glad to see us. She said she hadn't seen anyone from the family for a long time. When we got home Duane was reading my facebook and read that Warren had taken her to Mobridge for the day yesterday. I was telling Duane we need to go visit more she seemed lonesome. But now I know she just didn't remember going out yesterday, makes me feel better, here I was feeling bad thinking nobody was visiting for a long time.
After we vistied Mom we went for a drive to Mobridge. I got a few groceries, then we went home through Pollock. We took the scenic route out to Point of View, the boat dock and just checked out the river.
Brandon just called I told him we were checking out the river and he wondered if we were checking out boating places? He said if the boat they are looking at turns out to be as nice as they think it is we will be boating next weekend.
Just a little about what we have been up to the last month or so.
We helped Ryan and Sarah get moved from Linton to Bismarck. Brandon and Alex came down with one pickup, grandpa with his and us with ours. We got everything that they wanted to take along moved in one trip. Then they went and picked up some furniture that Ryan had ordered, and got that set up. So they had things situated as far as furniture arranged etc. I'm sure they spent alot of time after that unpacking everything but at least they had a bed they could sleep in and washer and dryer set up etc. Ask the boys next time you see them how much fun they had getting the washer and dryer in. Ha Ha Whoever remodeled that apartment made one of the bedrooms bigger which made it so there was only enough clearance in the wash room to get the washer and dryer in if you lifted it about 2 feet off the ground and then you could kind of cram it through. The furnace pipes and the wall were 27 inches apart in just a small area and the washer and dryer were about that wide. You could hear laughing and goofing around in there. At least when faced with a challenge like that they all have a good time and goof off through the process, along with getting a lot of work done. We have quite a crew. :)
Duane, Casey and I helped them go through stuff they didn't want, and clean the old house the next day.
You probably all know already but I'm not working anymore. Life is too short to do something you really really don't like. I miss the girls at work already but I really don't miss the job. I have had stressful jobs before, and you can convince yourself that you like them (I luv my job,I luv my job) I used to hear a lot of that at work when things would get stressful, but although my other job was stressful it was at least challenging, and rewarding. This job was just boring, it doesn't matter that my sales were really good I just hated the job, and felt it was a dead end! I won't go into the details of all of it but needless to say it just wasn't what I thought it would be.
So,I have been busy getting projects done around here. Never a lack of things to do!
Alex, Nicole and Brandon were all home last weekend and helped Duane work calves. Thanks Again boys. :)
Yesterday Doug and Milo helped Duane and Casey move the cows to the other farm. Thanks Doug! I did plan on helping them but Duane said they didn't need me because Doug had offered to help. Needless to say I was glad, not that it is such hard work but I never feel like I know what I'm doing. I guess I wasn't raised a farm girl and haven't had a lot of experience with cattle. I'm kind of scared of them. I got used to milk cows, and sheep, but haven't had much to do with the stock cows.
I told Duane he should teach me how to mow and I could help him, but he doesn't seem to eager to take me up on it. I think he's afraid I'll damage his tractor. LOL!
Well, I guess that's all for now. Hope you all had a great weekend.
Oh, one thing I forgot, we have 9 baby kittens, They are so cute! Wild as the dickens but they like to play on the deck and of course they come to eat but they won't let me pick them up yet. There are 6 white ones, one orange one and 2 orange and white. I have some pictures posted below.