Friday, April 24, 2009

Casey got his Tux!

Yesterday Duane and Casey and I went to Bismarck to pick up Casey's tux for Prom. After we got home they did some welding on the bale feeders, did chores, went and got the drill fill out of the back of the pole barn and brought it up onto the yard. They also pulled the pressure tank and pump out of the old well pit.

While they were doing that I set up my program for printing labels. It had been so long since I used it it took me a little while to figure it all out, but is well worth it not to have to write them all out, and looks so much nicer.

After supper Casey and I worked on address labels for Graduation invitations. I had to rebuild my address database since we cleared the computer out. However having the computer cleared out and starting over sped it up so much, plus the program that I use for this was no longer working because of my computer problems. Anyway we got the database built and only have to add a few that I didn't have address for. Hopefully I will get them all mailed tomorrow. I also found my lists from Alex's Graduation so I have a good idea how much food I need to get and how many cakes to make. Now I just need to work on his school photo album and get that finished. Now is really a good time to be a stay at home mom, gives me so much time to enjoy and prepare for the events in Casey's last few months of High School.

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