After the Cristmas program we went to a local church and had our family dinner there. We also had a surprise 40th Birthday for Duane's brother Doug. He was really surprised. After we got done eating and all the men were sitting around visiting and waiting for desert us women snuck around and brought all the gifts and cake in, and quickly decorated the table. Then we just opened the sliding door between the rooms and everyone started singing Happy Birthday.
After dinner and a much needed lunch (ha,ha) we went to our house for awhile.
In the evening we went to Duane's parents for supper and to open gifts. Everyone was able to make it home this year. I am just amazed at how much Lisa and Bleau's kids have grown. We took a bunch of family photos, but of course we used our regular camera so it will be awhile before I can post any.
After evening lunch we went home to open gifts. Brandon and Alex got to open their gifts first. Since they already knew what they were getting. Then the girls and Ryan and Casey. They also exchanged names so they opened them as well. We thought it was kind of funny, they has us draw their names for them and let them know who's name they had so we did. Later we realized they all had the same name this year as they had last year. Next year we'll have to draw them while everyone is home so they can put it back and draw over if they had it before. We got a big screen T.V. for Christmas, so we got our gift as soon as Brandon got here. He called us a week or so before Christmas and wondered if we were still going to get one. We have been looking and talking about it for about 3 months now(since our old one died) and we have been using Ryans 19". Brandon and Alex went to check out diffent options, and to price them out. Then he called us the day before he came home and told us he found a really good deal, and that's what the kids wanted to get us if we could chip in on it. Someone, one of his friends works with ( at a local electronics store) bought a new T.V. about 6 months ago and didn't realize it was way too big for his livingroom. So he decided to sell it. He got a really good deal on it himself because he gets a discount. Brandons friend said it was a good deal and that we can even purchase warranty on it yet, so we decided to get it. I was always afraid one that big would be too big for our livingroom but Brandon has been working on me, saying it would be ideal in our long livingroom because you can see it from the dining room and it really doesn't take more area up than what a small T.V would. Well, He was right it really is nice. I'm glad you talked me into that size and kind Brandon. After we opened gifts Nicole, Julie, Casey and I played Survivor while everyone else took turns playing playstation. Duane and I retired early, well if you call 1:30 early. I think Julie went shortly after that, and Ryan headed home right around that time, but I don't think everyone else went to bed until 3:00 or 3:30 AM.
Alex and Nicole slept on the air mattress in the computer room. When I got up the morning I went to shut the computer room door so I wouldn't wake them up and there was nobody there. I went out into the livingroom and here they were sleeping on the couch. Well, Brandon thought the air mattress leaked last time they used it but he said maybe they just didn't have enough air in it. Alex said we'll just try it. Needless to say it leaked really bad. So they never got much sleep. The next night we hauled a mattress up from the basement and they slept in the middle of the diningroom.
Nicole took this picture for me this afternoon. Our digital camera died so it's the only picture I have to post for now. Thanks Nicole!
As you can see everyone is taking turns playing Playstation 3.

I should have thought to take a picture yesterday. The chairs by the TV and the couch were full then.
Ryan never came out today because they were going to just hang out at home and maybe watch a movie. Brandon, Alex and Nicole left here around 5:30 PM. We all walked the house several times to make sure they weren't forgetting anything. Well, wouldn't you know they had been gone about a half an hour and here Alex and Nicole drive up. They forgot his bag of work clothes. They bring them to wash when they come home, Alex said I wouldn't be able to get along without those. At least they didn't make it home before they realized it.
Tomorrow Ryan and Tyler are coming out and we are going to open presents and have dinner. Tyler couldn't make it to our other Christmas celebrations because his mother was home and he had so many other Christmas get togethers to go to. So Ryan is going to get him tomorrow so we can open gifts and spend the day with him.
Then tomorrow night we are going to go visit Mom in the assisted living and bring her her gift. I talked to Carol and she said her and Harlow were going to visit her Christmas evening. I was relieved because our Christmas Day and the day after are so busy I knew I wouldn't make it there, and I would hate to have her spend Christmas alone. Some would say she doesn't know the difference but I think sometimes she maybe wouldn't but some days she would. Besides I would hate to think of her spending Christmas day alone anyway. I know she realizes if you haven't been there for awhile just by the way she reacts when you are ready to leave. Last time I visited it had been about a week since I had been there and when I went to leave she wanted to know when I was coming back. Usually she isn't so adamant about knowing. But I think she knew it had been awhile and wanted to make sure I was coming back soon.
Well, I guess I'd better go, I want to shower and then we are going to watch a movie. We have a bunch of them to watch. Alex and Nicole keep us in movies. Almost everytime they come home they bring us some to watch which is really nice because we love movies.
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