I couldn't resist taking a picture of this beautiful sky.
Yesterday we got alot of work done around the yard. Duane finished staining the deck. While Casey and I hauled rock in and lined the pond. Then he hauled in some big rocks with the skid steer and we rolled them into place around the edges.
I got the best pictures on one of our breaks. I went in to get us each a pop and Casey laid down flat out on the floor of the pond. I snuck up and got a couple of really good pictures. But later when I went to show Duane, guess what someone had erased them. Needless to say I wasn't happy. But I guess he figured I would post them and didn't reallly care to have them posted.
I never got a picture when we were all done hauling rock but I'll get one tomorrow and hopefully get it posted.
Today Duane had a doctor appointment in Bismarck. The doctor took him off two of his medications. The doctor and his assistant were really impressed that he doesn't have to take nitroglycerin anymore. He has them in case he would have chest pain, but hasn't had to take any since his surgery.
I had a long list of stuff to get today, plus I needed groceries so bad. The cupboards were getting bare. Funny, I used to like to shop for groceries, now since I've been working full time I just hate to grocery shop. I can be right in town and plan on getting groceries after work but when I get done, I just don't feel like it so if I don't push myself it doesn't get done.
It's scary, but I'm getting gardening fever again. I wasn't going to buy any plants until we got completely done with our landscaping around the house (we have to do something with our foundation yet). I told one of the boys I haven't bought any plants yet and I'm not going to until we are done with everything that needs to be done around the yard. Because I don't want to have to move them. Thinking we probably won't get done with all of that yet this summer. He just said Yeah you haven't bought any YET.
Well today I got some plants for containers. I just have to have some flowers on the steps and the deck steps. I guess gardening is like farming it's just in a persons blood.I really do have enough work to do without adding taking care of plants to my list. But I really enjoy gardening or at least the satisfaction I get from seeing the end results.
Well, I guess I'd better get going. Tomorrow will come too soon.
As you can guess Casey and I are both REALLY stiff today. Like I told Duane I'm alright as long as I don't have to reach above my head, sit down, or get up out of a chair.Then my muscles scream. But I guess what better way to get in shape than to get something accomplished while your excercising.
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