I could sure tell Casey and Duane were not around much this week. Casey had Monday and Tuesday off. Tuesday they went to Bismarck for dentist appointments and Thursday they sorted cattle. They were just home most days long enough to make and eat dinner. Needless to say by Friday my house needed a good cleaning.(tracking all the dirt in etc..).
So Friday I came home from work around noon and tore into the house. Caught up on my washing, I couldn't even tell you how many loads I washed. Swept and scrubbed the entryway. Gave my kitchen, computer room and livingroom a good cleaning etc...
Friday night Julie and Brandon came home they got here around 10:00, we visited and watched TV for awhile then retired for the night.
Saturday morning Ryan and Tyler came out. Ryan and Brandon went hunting for awhile while Casey, Tyler and I visited and played games. Duane and Milo went to combine after dinner, and Ryan, Brandon, and Casey went out to shoot targets.
Duane was able to keep combining until around 5:00 then it was getting too wet.
In the evening Brandon, Ryan and Casey played pool, foosball and darts for awhile until it was time for Ryan to go and get Tyler to bed. Then Duane, Casey, Brandon and I watched a movie.
Brandon and Julie left this morning while we were at Church. They wanted to get home for Sunday Football.
After we got home from Church we ate and Duane worked on the waterer. Then we went to visit Mom in Assisted Living in Herried.
She seems to feel at home there now. Although she usually doesn't remember she has a room. I'll say shall we go to your room Mom and she'll say I don't have a room here. But once we get to her room she remembers and says oh this is my room. She was sitting in the main room watching church on TV when we got there. We just went in to the diningroom to have some coffee and Carol and Harlow showed up. So we had a really nice visit. Moms side seems to be getting better. She doesn't even remember she hurt it. But I did notice when she went to skoot her chair up to the table she kind of grabbed her side. The nurse was right there to skoot her up too but Mom just without thinking tried to do it herself. Of course the nurse told her she shouldn't be doing that. I really feel comfortable with her there now. She seems to be at home and likes the nurses. Which means alot.
Anyway, on the way home we swung by to check cattle. There was a car pulled off to the side of the road by the Slagh farm. Duane says someone is hunting there, look there they walk. But then we realized it was Ryan's car, so we stopped and talked to Sarah (she was sitting in the car). She said they saw some deer run into the field on Jerry's heading for the Slagh farm so they followed on the road, and the deer ran out across the road in front of them. So Ryan got out and ran into the field on the flat there by the yard. She said he got a couple of shots but didn't get them then they ran into Tim and Jim's so I'm sure he never got another shot at them.
Duane just got a phone call for someone to come with the pickup. Ryan got a deer north of Tommy's. So Casey is on his way out there now.
I'm getting really sick of this cold. I have been fighting it for over 2 weeks now. It seems to get better and then it gets worse again. I told Duane I'll have to spend the next 3 days on Sudafed again. Nothing worse than trying to concentrate with a sinus headache.
We have more training Monday through Wednesday. We've gone through a lot of changes at work. All improvements in the company, however it means alot of training and always changing processes. This week I will have to take Thursday off instead on Wednesday because of the training.
Thats about all the news for now. Have a good one.
9 years ago
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