Saturday, January 5, 2008

Duanes surgery

Here is my dear hubby. Busy working on the Church bookwork.He's gonna kill me for putting this on here. But I think it's a good picture.

We went in on Friday to preregister him for surgery. We have to be there at 5:15 Tuesday morning. The doctor gave him a couple of pills to take one before he goes to bed monday night, and the next one first thing Tuesday morning to help relax him, so I'll be traveling with a doped up man .I just hope he is good enough on his feet to get into the hospital. I'm sure he will be fine otherwise they wouldn't give it to him so soon.

Anyway he will be in intensive care for about 2 days. You know how that is when you go in to preregister, they tell you everything that could possible go wrong and have you sign off for anything that might possibly. I know they have to cover all the bases, but I could do without thinking of the worst case senerios.

I'm sure you all know we are not looking forward to this. But I think when it is all over and done with he will be a different man, back to his old self. He tires so easy since his heart attack. He doesn't complain, but he does have to stop and rest quite often basically he's just always tired.

Please keep him in your prayers for us. That he will have a successful surgery with a quick recovery. He keeps saying we need to discuss if something would go wrong and he wouldn't make it. I refuse to think of it. God will watch over him and keep him safe, I strongly believe that and couldn't deal with this if I thought otherwise.


Bruce Darnell said...

Well, we'll certainly be praying. And we plan to put him on our church's prayer chain.

Lisa said...

You are in our thoughts and we pray that God will guide the doctors and staff, keep all of you close and give you peace and strength that only He can provide. We love you!