Monday, September 22, 2008

The Undefended City

The Undefended City
No despair.

By Bill Whittle

When I first got to college, back in the last few weeks of the Seventies, I finally got a chance to see an ordinary game of Dungeons and Dragons. My immediate inclination was to play as a Paladin: the pinnacle of Lawful Good, a character required to dash in and fight overwhelmingly powerful evil forces anywhere and at whatever odds. These contests were short, depressing and hilarious, but all D&D really came down to in the end was slaying small monsters, taking their gold, buying slightly better gear and then slaying slightly larger monsters. Why not just save some time and become a Vorpal Sword distributor? Then you get the weapons and the gold, and people bring them both to you. And so a larval conservative was born. And I never played again.

That was the attitude I took into The Lord of the Rings when the first of the trilogy appeared in 2001, just a few months after the Two Towers actually did fall and the idea of good and evil suddenly became — to me and no doubt to you too — a great deal less ironic and a great deal more real.

And there, in the darkness, staring up at that screen, I marveled at this monumental font of deep and eternal ideas: the aversion to facing danger, even when it is right in front of us; the value of old and true allies; the corrosive force of addiction; responsibility forsaken, then reclaimed… and through it all the fear that we may be lesser sons of greater fathers, and that we may no longer have the courage or the will to defend the City entrusted to our care.

This, and more, what was what John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was trying to teach me, down that dark river of the future — and he ought to know. The Lord of the Rings was written between 1937 through 1949… years of dark waters, indeed.

A few years before Tolkien put pen to paper, an event took place that a man of his education would have undoubtedly been aware. On February 9th, 1933, the ruling elite of the world’s great Civilization held a debate in the Oxford Union. With thunderclouds growing dark across the English Channel, at a time when resolute action could still have averted the worst catastrophe the world has ever known, these elites resolved that “This House will in no circumstances fight for its King and Country.”

The Resolution passed by a vote of 275 to 153. Needless to say, this vote did not avert the fight. It guaranteed it.

How much of the weight of that, I wonder, sat along side him as he penned page after page about the decline of the Men of the West. For taken in its entirety, The Lord of the Rings is about the collective regeneration of the will and courage of a previous age, and ends with the hope that the greatest days of the City lie yet ahead.

I live a few miles from Santa Monica High School, in California. There, young men and women are taught that America is “a terrorist nation,” “one of the worst regimes in history,” that it’s twice-elected leader is “the son of the devil,” and dictator of this “fascist” country. Further, “patriotism” is taught by dragging an American flag across the classroom floor, because the nation’s truest patriots, as we should know by now, are those who are most able to despise it.

This is only high school, remember: in college things get much, much worse.

Two generations, now, are being raised on this poison, and the reason for that is this: the enemies of this city cannot come out and simply say, “Do not defend the city.” Even the smartest among us can see that is simple treason. But they can say, “The City is not worth defending.” So they say that, and they say that all the time and in as many different ways as they are able.

If you step far enough back to look at the whole of human history, you will begin to see a very plain rhythm: a heartbeat of civilization. Steep climbs out of disease and ignorance into the light of medicine and learning — and then a sudden collapse back into darkness. And it is in that darkness that most humans have lived their lives: poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The pattern is always the same: at the height of a civilization’s powers something catastrophic seems to occur — a loss of will, a failure of nerve, and above all an unwillingness to identify with the values and customs that have produced such wonders.

The Russians say a fish rots from the head down. They ought to know. It may not be factually true that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the saying has passed into common usage because the image as the ring of truth to it: time and time again, the good and decent common people have manned the walls of the city, and have been ready to give their lives in its defense, only to discover too late that some silk-robed traitor has snuck out of the palace at midnight and thrown open the gates to the barbarians outside.

And how is this done, this “throwing open of the gates?” How are defenders taken off the walls?

Well, most of what I learned about Vietnam I learned from men like Oliver Stone. This self-loathing narcissist has repeatedly tried to inculcate in me a sense of despair and outrage at my own government, my own culture, my own people and ultimately myself. He tried to convince me — and he is a skillfull man — that my own government murdered my own President for political gain. I am told daily in those darkened temples that rogue CIA elements run a puppet government, that the real threat to the nation comes from the generals that defend it, or from the businessmen that provide the prosperity we take for granted.

I sit with others in darkened rooms, watching films like Redacted, Stop-Loss, and In the Valley of Elah, and see our brave young soldiers depicted as murderers, rapists, broken psychotics or ignorant dupes –visions foisted upon me by bitter and isolated millionaires such as Brian de Palma and Paul Haggis and all the rest.

I’ve been told this story in some form or another, every day of every week of the past 30 years of my life. It wasn’t always so.

But it is certainly so today. And standing against all this hypnotic power — the power of the mythmakers in Hollywood, the power of the information peddlers in the media, the corrosive power of America-hating professors on every campus in America… against all that we find an old warrior — a paladin if ever there was one — an old, beat-up warhorse standing up in defense of his city one last time. And beside him: a wonder. A common person… just a regular mom who goes to work, does a difficult job with intelligence and energy and grace and every-day competence and then puts it away to go home and have dinner with the family.

Against all of that stand these two.

No wonder they must be destroyed. Because — Sarah Palin especially — presents a mortal threat to these people who have determined over cocktails who the next President should be and who now clearly mean to grind into metal shards the transaxle of their credibility in order to get the result they must have. Truly, they are before our eyes destroying the machine they have built in order to get their victory. What the hell is so threatening to be worth that?

Only this: the living proof that they are not needed. Not needed to govern, not needed to influence and guide, not needed to lecture us on our intellectual and moral failings which are visible only from the heights of Manhattan skyscrapers or the palaces up on Mulholland Drive. Not needed. We can do it — and do it better — without all of them.

When all is said and done, Civilizations do not fall because of the barbarians at the gates. Nor does a great city fall from the death wish of bored and morally bankrupt stewards presumably sworn to its defense. Civilizations fall only because each citizen of the city comes to accept that nothing can be done to rally and rebuild broken walls; that ground lost may never be recovered; and that greatness lived in our grandparents but not our grandchildren. Yes, our betters tell us these things daily. But that doesn’t mean we have to believe it.

Ask the common people of all politics and persuasions aboard Flight 93 whether greatness and courage has deserted America.

It is the small-town virtues of self-reliance, hard work, personal responsibility, and common-sense ingenuity — and not those of the preening cosmopolitans that gape at them in mixed contempt and bafflement — that have made us the inheritors of the most magnificent, noble, decent and free society ever to appear on this earth. This Western Civilization… this American City… has earned the right to greet each sunrise with a blast of silver trumpets that can bring down mountains.

And what, really, is a Legion of Narcissists and a Confederacy of Despair against that?

— Bill Whittle lives and works in Los Angeles.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tomorrow is Friday !!

It seemed like a long week this week.Probably because I worked 5 days.Even though they are shorter days I really missed my Wednesday off.
It's been a busy week,couldn't really say what I've been busy with. I guess just the usual, making meals,cleaning house and washing clothes.Thats another reason I missed my day off.I didn't get any big projects done this week.I never really do to much in the evening other than keep the washer running,misc picking up ect. Because by the time I get home and we're done with supper I just don't feel like starting anything much.

Next week I'll be back to 4 days. Duane has an appointment in Bismarck on Wednesday for a consultation with a sleep apnea specialist.He has been waking up in the night for no apparent reason. I said I bet you wake yourself up snoring. I know he use to really snore bad, and sometimes he would do a big gasp thing and then roll over. I really don't notice it much now because I'm usually asleep by the time he comes to bed, and I sleep like the dead.

Duane has today and tomorrow off, so he's been working on stuff around the yard.Right now they are on the other farm(Compaan farm), they went over to bring the sprayer over and see about geting some spraying done tonight, but Duane just called for Casey to come and get them so they must be going to wait until morning.

Casey had career fair on Wednesday. He came home talking about the college in Madison,South Dakota. He is thinking he would like to go into computer game design, but not really sure yet. Later he said maybe go to college in Bismarck for 2 years and then transfer to Madison for a B.S. in computer Game Design.

Well take care,
Have a Good Weekend,


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Apples, Apples , Apples !

Thought I'd pop in and let everybody know what we've been up to.
Duane went back to work doing carpenter work again. He started last week Thursday. They were shingling all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday, needless to say he was quite stiff for a few days. They finished up that job yesterday. Then today they started putting new doors on the Lumberyard in Pollock.

Tommorrow morning he has an appointment in Bismarck at 7:30 AM. He has to go in for cholesterol screening, echocardiogram and the works.

It was my day off today. I picked all the rest of the apples (I picked a bunch on Saturday) and got those peeled, sliced and frozen. Got my laundry done , and worked on a few things around the house.

Here is a picture of the first few apples we picked. I'm still amazed at how big they are, and how sweet. I didn't know we could grow such nice apples in North Dakota. I think we had a total of about 20-25 pounds. I know I have 10 pounds cut up and sliced in the freezer (I'm assuming the peels and cores weigh about as much as the apples themselves).
We sent about 5 pounds over to Milo and Joann, and we have another 5 pound bag to bring over that I picked today.

Tomorrow I celebrate my first Aniversary at work. We each received a certificate good for an paid hour off. I thought that was really nice, I don't think many companies would do that. The last year has been a constant learning experience, I'm just recently starting to feel like I know what I'm doing. But like one of the girls (shes been working there for years) said we did learn a lot in a short period of time. We were dual trained on 2 different systems plus trained to handle international calls. Our whole class volunteered to learn the second system, although for a while there I'm sure we all wondered why we did that. But it seems to be coming together for us all now. I think we spent almost as much time training as we did working, our first year. One thing about the company that I work for is they are really good to their employees.Great benefits etc etc...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Andy McKee


Labor Day Weekend

Brandon and Alex came home on Friday night. Nicole was also home, but stayed at her parents on Friday night and came out here on Saturday afternoon. Julie had to work so she couldn't come home. Ryan came out on Saturday too. They did a little hunting, target shooting and Duane and Brandon went and checked out Kens Auto, while the other guys (and Nicole) were playing xbox.
Here are some pictures I took over the weekend.
The guys checking out Brandons new pickup. They were all standing around with their heads under the hood. It made me think of a picture I took when Brandon was little. I think it was Brandon Milo and Duane all leaning under the hood of the Chrysler Labaron. Anyway here they all are under the hood again. Pretty Sharp Pickup Brandon !

We had a few uninvited guests in the pond this weekend. I like to see the frogs find it, but I'm not so sure about the snake.

Here is a picture of our babies, well 2 of our cats anyway the other one doesn't get let outside(Baby)}. The black and white one is Buster and the long haired Siamese looking one is precious.

Alex got a new pistol this past week too. So the guys all tried that out, shooting targets.
By the time Brandon and Alex left on Saturday night, the gun was falling apart. Brandon took it back the next day and they said they had to keep it, that he would either have to order a new one or pick a different one. They couldn't let him take it out of the store the way it was. Because it was a liability.
Yesterday Duane and I leveled the yard off better around the pond and planted grass. Great day for it.We barely got done and it started raining.
Then later, after it quit raining,Casey,Duane and I went and put electric fence around the pasture. We planned on watching a movie after that, but it got a little late. Duane also remembered after we got home that they were planning on counting money.
I worked part of the day today. But was able to leave around 3:30 pm. I usually work 10 hour days 4 days a week but once in awhile they let people go home for the day if they want to.I thought maybe we could get some projects done around here,but I called Duane on my way home and he was at his grandmas fixing the stoop on her garage.
Well, Guess I'd better go get something done. Tomorrow is my day off but Duane has a dentist appointment early in the morning, so I'm sure I won't get too much done around here. You know how that goes,when you go to Bismarck it almost always takes the whole day.
Hope you all had a great weekend.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sungha Jung

Awesome guitarist for his age. Ya'll gotta listen to him on You Tube.