Sunday, January 6, 2008
Building the Pond.

Another one of our many projects this summer. It is still a work in progress.We have it all dug out and planned.The planned part and all the supplies we have had for a couple of years,but it has a ways to go before we can add water. It will be a big waterfall on top,running into a small pond then a stream running down into a big pond.

Alex trying out Casey's newly invented bottlerocket shooter.
Moving Day August 2007

The whole family was there to help.

Deck Project summer 2007

We set up the sprinkler for him to cool off . He really wasn't interested, was not going in there until Brandon grabbed him and ran through then casey went and sat in it by him just acting goofy, and pretty soon Tyler was having fun chasing Casy with the sprinkler.We set up an umbrella for Tyler to sit under and watch after he cooled off. Of course Casey and Grandma sat under there awhile too.

Here's Casey trying to secure the umbrella to the pine tree, so it wouldn't lean.

Alex didn't help alot with the deck because he was working on his pickup. I don't remember what was wrong with it, but he was having some problems with it.But we used his pickup to get wood, and then he unloaded it by himself (everyone else was busy and he wanted to get started on it) and then he stacked it all in piles for us.
Haying summer 2007

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Duanes surgery

Here is my dear hubby. Busy working on the Church bookwork.He's gonna kill me for putting this on here. But I think it's a good picture.
We went in on Friday to preregister him for surgery. We have to be there at 5:15 Tuesday morning. The doctor gave him a couple of pills to take one before he goes to bed monday night, and the next one first thing Tuesday morning to help relax him, so I'll be traveling with a doped up man .I just hope he is good enough on his feet to get into the hospital. I'm sure he will be fine otherwise they wouldn't give it to him so soon.
Anyway he will be in intensive care for about 2 days. You know how that is when you go in to preregister, they tell you everything that could possible go wrong and have you sign off for anything that might possibly. I know they have to cover all the bases, but I could do without thinking of the worst case senerios.
I'm sure you all know we are not looking forward to this. But I think when it is all over and done with he will be a different man, back to his old self. He tires so easy since his heart attack. He doesn't complain, but he does have to stop and rest quite often basically he's just always tired.
Please keep him in your prayers for us. That he will have a successful surgery with a quick recovery. He keeps saying we need to discuss if something would go wrong and he wouldn't make it. I refuse to think of it. God will watch over him and keep him safe, I strongly believe that and couldn't deal with this if I thought otherwise.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Gas Mileage
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year !
Ryan came out in the afternoon and we all had Chili for supper. Duane started it in the crock pot first thing in the morning, boy was it good.
We all went to church Sunday morning,came home and ate dinner.Then we went to visit Ryan. Brandon and Casey helped him get his treadmill moved upstairs. Brandon and Ryan played darts for awhile. Then Brandon left for home and we left shortly after.
Monday I had to work, so Casey and Duane worked around home. Casey crushed pop cans, played computer, and watched T.V. Duane cleaned house a little. Monday evening we watched a movie, live free or die hard. It was pretty good, as Ryan said it is kindof over the top,a little unbelievable ,but other than that it was pretty good.
Tuesday morning we had New Years Day service at 10. Duanes mom and Dad asked us out for pizza for dinner we met in Linton at Thatsa Pizza and More.Grandma Slagh and Ryan were also there.We had a nice visit and the pizza was yummy.
Today I had to work, I switched shifts after New Years. I was suppose to start at 7:30 AM. Usually I am always about 30 minutes early just to have extra time to get all my programs up and running and be able to take my time before getting on the phones. Boy was I glad I came in early, because today I forgot about the schedule switch. When I drove on the parking lot and seen some of my classmates were already there I remembered. Oops, Oh well I was just 10 minutes late. I only have one more day left before I go on Personnal Leave, so I have been trying to keep my stats up and really get alot accomplished. Not that I don't try otherwise. It just pushes me a little harder since I know I'll soon be out for a month.
Duane has his appointment for blood workup and preregistration for surgery on Friday morning. His surgery will be on Tuesday.
Well, Casey just got home from catechism and he has a paper to work on for school tomorrow, so I guess I'd better turn the computer over to him.
He came in and told me he needed to work on his paper and immediately went downstairs and started playing drums, so I guess I'd better get off here or he won't get done.
Quote of the Day: If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words and cars make people drive drunk.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will sour on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31